Itinerary By: Nicole Hicks
Breakfast Suggestion:
A quick stop at Alpine Grind for some if the best Coffee in the Kootenays i highly recommend a Canadiano its there take on an Americano but instead of topping the espresso shots with hot water its topped up with drip coffee for some extra kick to get you started. Then grab one of their delicious scones, granola bars or a hot breakfast sandwich.
Morning Activities:
Get up to red just in time to catch first chair. Start on the red chair to avoid the line ups and catch a couple quick un-groomed runs. By now the line up to get to the top of the mountain should have dissipated jump on silver load to get to mother load. As you climb above the clouds look behind you to see what many call the Kootenay sea. Feel like you are on the top of the world as you disembark the mother load chair. Hit the mini bowls on your way passed the paradise lodge and down to the paradise chair. Head back up the short chair and jump on your favourite trail heading towards the grey chair. Grey chair is not for the faint of heart but I promise it is worth it for some deep tree skiing runs.
Lunch Suggestion:
Sit on the patio at The Josie warm up by their gas fireplaces and enjoy a bowl hot soup and garlic bread sticks.
Afternoon Activities:
Its 12:30pm now and just in time for half day rates on a fat tire bike rental. Choose the right size bike and no need to remember your bike helmet as they have ones that are included in rental price. Grab a map and have them give you a quick itinerary of all their groomed bike trails. I recommend jumping on blue elephant which starts right next to the red chair. You will enjoy making your way through the trails running parallel to the hwy and heading in towards Rossland. Once you have crossed under the highway through the tunnel ride the Kootenay Columbia and all the other trails on that hillside until you have your fill or your 3 hours is up (whichever comes first) I recommend as a cool down on your way back to red mountain to return your bike taking the Centennial trail.
Dinner Suggestion:
Happy Hour at the Rock Cut enjoy an array of yummy appies and a great selection of draft beer.
Evening Activities:
Its Hockey time!! Your choice Sr Warriors in Rossland, BCHL’s Trail Smoke Eaters in Trail, or KIJHL’s BV Nitehawks in Fruitvale.